Friday, August 5, 2011

Cupcakes 101

So we know that I like cupcakes. And Aslan likes them even more.

And because I've made them before, it would logically follow that I know what ingredients go into them.

I impulsively decided that I was going to make said cupcakes Wednesday night while we were on our weekly Trader Joe's run. Actually, it's probably a bi-weekly run, and while I'm being all technical about it, I'm not exactly sure how long it had been since the time-before-that because we were completely out of food. This happens a lot at our house. Which probably makes me a bad future wifey.

Anyway, while we were out, I decided I was going to make cupcakes because one of my co-workers was having a birthday. And I wanted to show how much I care. Because cupcakes show you care, in my book (now you know for the future). So I put a small jug of milk in our cart, looked at Ben's questioning face (we don't drink/buy milk), and announced that I was making cupcakes.

I suppose it would be a good time to add that anytime I decide to make or bake something, milk is always the ingredient I'm missing. Always. And I was tired of it being missing. So I was doing something about it. I should also add that I've been saying I'm going to make cupcakes at least twice a month for the past...oh, I don't know...eight months (or longer...), so Ben doesn't always believe me when I say it. But he knew I was serious when I put the milk in the cart (or knew that I thought I was serious).

We got home. We made dinner. I tried to pass out on the couch, but Ben reminded me that I needed to make cupcakes. I pulled out the Barefoot Contessa boxed mix (hey, if you're going to go boxed, go with hers. They'll at least taste like they're from scratch). I looked at the back of the box to see how much milk would be involved.

There was no milk involved. It called for eggs.

Guess what I didn't pick up at the grocery store?

And that is exactly why there is a picture of a Rice Krispy Treat at the end of this post.

At least Rice Krispy Treats turned out to be my co-worker's favorite.

Until next time, cupcakes. Until next time.

Also, have I mentioned I'm a huge fan of My Drunk Kitchen? Add it to the list of things I wish I'd thought of first, but enjoy immensely anyway.

Happy Friday and Happy Weekend!

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